Galloway Road from the North. I have a CSX crew featured for frills.
Galloway Road complete from the south. Expect this or a similar vantage when I am filming the TrainzWatching™ series.
This is an overview of today's progress. Note an abstractly detailed warehouse due to the distance from the track. This attributes to my levels of detail posting from way back when. Old Tampa Highway is the crossing in the Foreground. The old ACL cantilevers dated to the 70s are going to be eventually developed so it will require some patience to see those applied. A CDN signal is in place at the moment in the background.
The remaining input I am willing to commit to for this area is the NE quadrant of Galloway Road with the seemingly difficult neighborhood (hard to make out on Google Earth). A Drive In on the NW side of Gay Road will be a fun challenge, and the trailer park to the NE of that, which will be developed. I also intend to add ample brush to the fork in the west leg turnout. From then I will move on to another area, likely Vitis Junction, to mess around with then revisit Winston to finish it up in the days to come.
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